SmartFlow Technologies

Concentration and Diafiltration of Viral Antigens

Optimization Procedure

The SmartFlow® filter Concentration and Diafiltration of viral antigens WORKS Optimization Procedure from SFT is intended for concentrating viral antigens from both clarified and non-clarified sources. The subsequent diafiltration of the concentrated viral antigens is to remove low molecular weight media proteins and cellular metabolites.

This optimization procedure uses an ultrafiltration (UF) membrane to retain the desired viral antigen in the retentate while low molecular weight media proteins, cellular metabolites, and salts are able to pass through the membrane. The passage characteristics of proteins change with different buffers, temperatures, concentrations, and membranes. By examining the passage characteristics of the different membranes available in the appropriate process conditions, a well defined and executed process development study can identify the most efficient membrane and process conditions to achieve the required performance.

This optimization procedure starts with selecting a membrane module most likely to work with respect to polymer and pore size based upon thousands of SFT trials. Once this module is selected, ranges in which to begin optimizing parameters such as membrane capacity, recirculation rate, and pressure are presented. Because of the variability in the products and processes using SmartFlow technology, we do not make specific process recommendations on parameters of temperature, pH, buffers, or other variables that may affect the separation process and the target product activity.